Friday 21 December 2007

good morning blogimore

Hello! This is my first blog here. The intention for this blog is that it will provide somewhere for me to to write about all the theatre that I see, as I don't really have anywhere proper to do it. I tried many moons ago on my LiveJournal, when I was into that old thing, but no one there really knows anything about theatre, and obviously there is no outlet for any kind of Serious Thinking on Facebook! I see a lot of theatre, and all I have to record it is a list that I compile and a box of programmes, so it'll be good to have somewhere proper to muse and review and whine etc. So let's see where this takes me...

I'm also planning to use it to chart my first attempt at directing. Help.
The production of The Glass Menagerie that I'm directing should, if all goes well, run from March 11th to 15th at the Corpus Playroom, Cambridge, just off Kings Parade. I'm literally terrified.

Let's hope I can keep this thing updated. :-)

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